Raja Ampat
I did a 10-day trip with my very first dive buddy a.k.a. my father. Raja Ampat was on my bucket list and I felt very fortunate to tick it off the list in early 2019.
We arrived just in time for the seasonal change to the dry season. We did end up with a day or two of rain, but that didn't affect the visibility as much as I was used to in Bali. I guess the sheer vastness of the sea in Raja Ampat made a little bit of rain look like nothing.
We went on a wooden liveaboard which was located in Misool harbor. We flew from Bali through Makkasar to Missool, spend a night in a hotel and took the ferry towards the harbor that has a lot of liveaboards parked.
I enjoyed not having a phone connection and just going with the flow of the ocean. It probably was a bit more stressful for our tour guides, since lots of things went wrong... The biggest one was losing the ship's anchor. We ended up parking for two nights at a jetty which wasn't amazing to dive since everybody came for big fish and colorful reefs, not sandy bottoms with macro creatures.
All and all together I enjoyed the trip.
Here is a small selection of the photos I took during these 10 days.